One year when I was walking to the starting point to join
the spectators watch our local parade, a dog comes running down the street and
starts chasing me. I ran from it for fear I’d be the lead story on the nightly
news; ‘local woman bit by dog at parade.’ As I’m running with the dog nipping
at my heels down the parade route I see some people smiling and waving (big at
parades) at me. (The dog was also smiling and showing me all his teeth.) It dawns
on me that these people think I’m part of the parade. These people thought
watching a lady running from a dog while screaming, “Help,” was entertaining.
Finally one spectator yelled “Hey, she has no candy. She’s not part of the
parade.” He realized I was not the entertainment
and jumped in to help me. He distracted
the dog with candy. I would have thrown candy at the dog if I had any; better
he eat candy than my leg.
Candy is big at parades. I think kids love parades because
they get candy and unlike Halloween they don’t have to dress up and beg for it.
They stand on the sidelines and people throw candy at them. If they’re lucky it’s
the soft candy that doesn’t break when it hits the ground. This year a
chocolate covered marshmallow Santa landed at my feet. I unwrapped it and bit
off Santa’s head. YUM! I was munching on Santa’s belt, enjoying the parade when
someone showed up with two, huge dogs. One approached and sniffed me and Santa.
Oh no. Did he want a bite of me or Santa? I put Santa in my pocket and went
home. There was no way, no how I was going to be the entertainment for this year’s
parade. Not again.
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