Friday, August 30, 2013

Major Embarrassment

Yesterday I was in a store walking behind a lady whose underwear showed through her skirt. Her bright pink underwear came through loud and clear under her cream colored skirt. Not sure what to do I debated with myself. Should I tell her? Should I remain silent? I didn’t want to tell her and have her get angry or worse… start crying due to embarrassment. Maybe she knew and wanted her panties to show. Maybe bright colored underwear is the only gift her cheap husband gives her and she wants to show it off. Maybe she’s a fashion designer and is testing what she hopes to become a new trend.

We’ve all been in awkward, social situations where were not sure what to do especially if you don’t know the person that well. These situations are awkward and embarrassing for both parties involved.

When you see a stranger walking with toilet paper stuck to the bottom of her shoe, do you say anything? If you’re having lunch with your new boss, do you point out the spinach stuck between his teeth; or do you try to ignore it? Do you run your tongue over your teeth, only to realize you’ve given him the wrong idea? Do you tell a nurse who’s about to stab you with a needle she has lipstick on her teeth? Do you tell a man his fly is open and risk him wondering why you were looking THERE? Do you tell someone with a booger hanging from their nose to blow?

I had an embarrassing moment in elementary school. During class I went to the bathroom. When I returned to class I had to walk across the room, in front of all my classmates, back to my seat. I heard giggling and muffled laughter and saw the nun looking at me and praying (Catholic school.) My classmates were laughing at my skirt stuffed inside my underwear. Now, thinking back, I’m grateful I wasn’t wearing bright underwear under a cream colored skirt. Now, that would have been a major embarrassment.


Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Tips Appreciated

In June, Sushi Yasuda, a Japanese restaurant in New York City abandoned tipping and raised menu prices 15% to cover wait staff salaries.

More American restaurants are following the European example of no tipping. It’ll be better for employees if restaurants raise prices to give them a living wage with benefits along with vacation and paid sick days. My question is - what about the customer?

No tipping is better for customers who need a calculator to figure out the tip as they’ll be able to put it away.

I’m wondering if there’s no incentive of a tip if service drop off. I can’t help thinking that it will to some degree. Will a sit down meal in a family restaurant become equated with a fast-food meal… you’ll get your food quick. You’ll get your food hot. You just won’t get your food from a friendly, efficient server.

A no tipping policy is better for servers who work at a restaurant where the wait staff pools their tips, each getting the same amount. This practice is fair only if each server works equally hard; if not then it’s not fair. My husband and I go to this restaurant where one particular waitress is the best, hardest worker I’ve ever seen. If I was her I would be pissed pooling my hard earned tips with fellow coworkers who don’t have the drive and work as hard. Why should her coworkers profit from her hard work? With no incentive to work hard, the only thing slackers might do is slack harder.

I had a part-time job as a waitress during college. When I worked the morning shift I and the other servers were happy when a certain couple came in and sat at their station. Why? Because this couple ordered coffee and left a generous tip, doubling the price of the coffee. All they wanted was coffee and to be left alone to hold hands and gaze into each other’s eyes. We speculated they were having an affair. I mean how many married couples hold hands and are civil to one another at eight in the morning? Nobody I know. My husband and I have learned to decipher one another’s growls. I’ve always felt before 9a.m. language was highly overrated. I was never sure if the couple tipped well because they loved the coffee (which I seriously doubt,) paying for the privacy they requested or dishing out gobs of money to squelch feelings of guilt. I didn’t know or cared.  Just know I was glad I didn’t have to pool my tips with anyone.

Friday, August 23, 2013

A Great Deal

 The snapshot in USA Today was – would you buy from a store knowing a better deal existed elsewhere if you had a positive prior experience? 70% answered yes. 30 % answered no.

At the grocery store we shop at there’s a nice, friendly cashier who’s not necessarily the fastest cashier. And even though the other cashiers can ring us up in less time we always choose her. Why? Because she’s friendly! She talks to her customers. She doesn’t give the impression she’s doing you a favor by doing her job. The interaction between me and her makes my shopping experience a positive one.  

I know some people don’t care about positive experiences; they care about getting the best deal. This is why the ‘tax-free weekend’ was invented. During this weekend parents battle the crowds to buy back- to- school supplies for their kids. Parents contend with the rude, defiant and scary… their own kids and others. Parents contend with the surly and obnoxious who step on their toes without so much as an “I’m sorry,” to step into a pair of brand new sneakers. Parents contend with the pushy and belligerent who shove them aside to grab the last character backpack. Parents make allowances for these people and the cashier that greets them with the ‘Get me out of here,’ haunting look in her eyes.

The only difference between ‘tax-free’ weekend and ‘Black Friday’ is the cashier doesn’t automatically and insincerely wish you ‘Happy Holidays.’

Since I work from home and hate crowds I do not succumb to great deal promotions such as tax-free weekends. I wait for a coupon and then a sale. I shop when the stores are empty (no more than 5 people.) and the only person whining, “I wanna go home,” is my husband whom I dragged along. With great deals come great sacrifices.

Friday, August 16, 2013

No Children Allowed

LaFisheria, a Mexican restaurant in Houston, Texas has installed a “no children under 8 after 7p.m.” policy. The owner issued the policy after numerous complaints from patrons bothered by loud children. If it’s a family restaurant this might not be a smart business move, but if it’s a fancy restaurant then it’s probably a smart move. Customers don’t want a headache along with their sky-high bill.

My community Y has a “no children under 16 allowed unless accompanied by an adult” policy for the fitness room.  Some couples want children at their wedding and some do not. I’ve been to movie theaters where the children behaved better than the parents who were inconsiderate to those around them by texting constantly on their phone.

I’ve been to restaurants where parents allowed their kids to walk on the seats. Was it wrong for the kids to do? Yes, but to me the fault lies with the parent for failing to stop such behavior.

Sometimes parents have to accept responsibility and teach by example. If your child runs around a restaurant – take them outside. If your child sticks his finger in other people’s food – take them outside. If your child screams and cries – take them outside, unless, of course you’re on a plane. In that case sit tight and offer fellow passengers earplugs.

Your child won’t learn acceptable social behavior, unless you teach them.

I was in a restaurant last night where a young boy was banging on the windows and smacking the lights. He seemed to relish in the attention it brought him. He continued until his mother (who was ignoring him because she was busy talking to others at the table) finally looked and stopped him. Somehow I think if it was her home she would have nipped his behavior in the bud much sooner.

Children are only as good as their role models and can’t be blamed all the time for bad behavior if parents don’t step up to the plate and do what parents should do – parent.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Pet Friendly

It was written in USA Today that the San Diego International Airport has installed a “Pet Relief’ station – the nation’s first airport pooch potty.

The 75-square foot space includes fake grass, a fire hydrant, deodorizes, a hand – washing station and complimentary baggies.

No matter how many deodorizes they’ll have, it won’t be enough. After a while the animal scent will overpower the pine scented deodorizer, especially if all pet owners don’t pick up after their dog. “Doggie Stations, with free bags and a waste receptacle, line the walking paths in my neighborhood and yet not everyone takes advantage.  Instead I see owners allowing their dog to stop at someone’s mailbox and leave a present the way a mailman delivers a package.

Will there be a separate pooch potty for male and female dogs? I fear the line for the ladies pooch potty will be like the line at the ladies room in the theater – long and slow. Will two female pooches use the potty together or will one hold the curtain (if it’s located in the middle of the airport) granting the other privacy? Even animals can be shy. If there’s no privacy curtain or separate sex pooch potties then things may get interesting. A boy dog and girl dog who are attracted to each other and sharing the same space may forget where they are and create quite a show for travelers. That’s a video sure to go viral.

This summer I was in a New York airport and had to use the restroom. The nicest thing I can say about it is, “The place was a cesspool.” I felt like burning my outfit when done. Had my phone fallen in the toilet I would have left it there. If a million dollars floated at the bottom of the bowl, I would have left it there. In the future if I travel through the same airport and see a “Pet Relief” station I might push aside the dog on it and use it myself. It has to be cleaner than the Ladies room.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Appropriate Dress Required

The jury duty summons I received read – appropriate attire required. Not everybody was dressed appropriately. Some were sleeveless with tattoos showing… and those were the women.

Your Sunday best,’ is no longer your best; instead of a suit and tie, it’s shorts and flip-flops.

Some restaurants post signs in their front window, ‘No shirt, no shoes, no service.’ I imagine this wasn’t much of a problem until recently when men started going shirtless. I don’t know who started it. I don’t know when it started. All I know is that men running around shirtless are being touted as a ‘curious trend.’ The cover of The Daily News had a picture of Orlando Bloom walking the streets of New York shirtless.  

When I was in New York this summer I saw my share of shirtless men. It’s not that I wasn’t appreciative, but my question is – why? Do they think it’s sexy? To see an out-of-shape guy with shorts around his knees, underwear showing and flip-flops is not sexy. Maybe they’re too tired to put a shirt on, I mean walking around all day trying to look cool and oblivious to women ogling them takes a lot of energy; energy they no longer have to finish dressing.

Even if you have a great build, even if women gawk at you the way men have done to women since Adam said to Eve, “Forget the fig leaf,” my question is – why? In order for it to be considered a fashion statement, doesn’t one have to wear something to be considered fashion? Are they trying to make women feel bad with the silent, yet visual commentary which screams, ‘Ha, ha, men can go shirtless, but women can’t?’ Is this being disrespectful to women?

When I asked my husband what he thought of men permitted to go shirtless, but women prohibited from going topless, he replied with a smile, “Oh, I’m all for women going topless in public.” I think if women can’t do it, then men shouldn’t be allowed to do it. If you’re on a beach and shirtless, it’s fine. If you’re in bed and shirtless, it’s fine. Otherwise… why?


Sunday, August 4, 2013

Chicken Fashion

Just when you think you’ve heard it all along comes something else. I read two online companies: Pampered Poultry and Hen Holster make washable cloth diapers for chickens. The idea was hatched (not my word) to help pet owners keep or care for their pets indoors or while transporting them to poultry shows. That’s all well and good, but how does one go about diapering a chicken?

Chickens are hard to catch; anybody who’s seen the movie Rocky can attest to that. It was a workout for him to catch the chicken his trainer Mickey used as a device to get him to be quick as lightning. He had to be quick and light on his feet. When he caught the chicken finally it was a victorious moment and then and only then was he ready to step into the ring and beat his opponent. I don’t want anybody to read this and think I’m equating Rocky’s opponent, Apollo Creed, to a chicken, I’m not. Apollo Creed threw a much harder punch. I’m merely painting a picture of how hard it is to catch a chicken.

The time it’ll take you to catch and diaper one is probably the time you would have spent cleaning up after one. Once you catch your chicken, you place it on the changing table the way you would a baby, you powder it the way you would a baby and then secure the diaper in place the way you would for a baby.

I wonder if chickens are comfortable in diapers or regard them the way women do Spanx; an unpleasant necessity. Do diapers come in sizes like human diapers? I wonder if the chicken’s parent’s fight over who has to change the diaper the way human parents do. What if the chicken lays an egg while wearing an already full diaper? Would you want to be the one to fish it out?

Last, since horses are always being transported (I always see them in those little trucks) why aren’t there horse diapers? I’m sure it must get messy, not to mention smelly in those trucks. But, that’s definitely one diaper I’d never change.